We strive to establish good communication skills with all our pupils.
To achieve this we use a ‘total’ communication approach in school. This simply means we use a variety of strategies in a consistent manner to create a successful learning environment. To support and promote communication between people with different communication skills.
Emily Reid is our Speech and language therapist (SALT) who work with the children and young people (and their families) who attend Nether Hall School.
We work closely with school staff to devise strategies and programmes of work to support pupils on the caseload.
Heather Woods
Whole school Communication Support
Coordinator working full-time in school supporting the pupils.
Areas: Signalong
In school we use ‘Signalong’ this is sign supported communication for people with learning difficulties.
It is based on British Sign language. It is always used in conjunction with the spoken word.
We have a qualified Signalong tutor in school
If you are a Parent, family member or Carer of a child in school we can provide signing taster sessions / introductory courses / certificated course.
Please contact the school office and enquire when the next course will be running.
Body Signing
Body signing is usually used with our students who have multiple disabilities and visual impairments.
It is an accessible means of Receptive and Expressive Communication using the tactile cue of touch along with speech. If you are a parent or career and would like any more information regarding your child and body signing
There is a booklet on body signing that you can access using the link below. It was written by Speech and Language Therapists and Teachers of the Visually Impaired from Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Objects of reference
Objects of reference are used in a consistent manner across the school to assist students to obtain information from the ‘object cue’
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) refers to all methods of communication used either instead of or in addition to speech. Here are a few examples of Low tech aids we use.
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Visual timetable
Picture exchange cards
Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs)
Single message devices
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Here are some of the High tech AAC devices used in school
Zingui technology Eye gaze technology
iPad’s are used in school as communicative devices.
The Communication Programme we use is ‘Grid Player’
Presently if your son/daughter has an iPad as their communication device in school the grids can be shared with you at home. This promotes consistent communicative strategies.
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For more information contact school
Communication Passports
The communication passport is a working document which changes and grows as the pupil develops and matures. It contains a description of the pupils’ most effective method of communicating with others.
To help us to better understand your child we ask for a little of your time to complete a questionnaire booklet.
Getting to know what motivates your son/daughter is really important to us at school.